Aikido dictionary

31 Kumijo


1.    Uchi: Hidari tsuki no kamae

Uke: Hidari jo no kamae

Uchi: Hidari choku tsuki

Uke: Hidari kaeshi tsuki

Uchi: Hidari choku barai

 2.    Uchi: Hidari choku tsuki

Uke:  Hidari jodan Dome Barai

3.    Uke: Jodan dome maki otoshi, followed immediately by hidari kaeshi tsuki

4.    Uchi:  Hidari maki otoshi barai followed by hidari choku tsuki

Uke: Hidari jodan gaeshi

 5.    Uke: Migi Uchikomi

Uchi:  Migi jodan uchikomi barai

 6.    Uchi: Hidari jodan uchikomi

Uke: Hidari jodan (renzoku) uchikomi


9.    Uke: Hidari ushiro barai

Uchi: Steps back to make hidari jodan no kamae

10.    Uchi: Migi uchikomi

Uke: Hidari age uchi

11.    Uke: Hidari (renzoku) uchikomi



Uke: Hidari choku tsuki

Uchi: Hidari choku barai

14.    Uchi: Hidari choku tsuki

Uke: Hidari jodan gaeshi

15.+16.    Uke: Migi uchikomi…16. migi gedan gaeshi no kamae

Uchi:  (16) Migi jodan uchikomi barai

17.    Uke: Hidari gedan gaeshi

Uchi: Change to a left hand forward grip on jo makes hidari gedan dome barai

18.    Uchi: Hidari gedan choku tsuki

Uke: Hidari chudan gaeshi

19.    Uke: Hidari gedan choku tsuki

Uchi: Hidari gedan dome barai

20.+21    Uke: Migi jodan gaeshi gedan uchikomi (kneeling)…21. Migi gedan gaeshi no kamae

Uchi: (20) Hidari jodan gaeshi to migi gedan dome barai…(20) Migi jodan uchikomi

Notes:  Here we see that in the partner practice, 15 and 16 become one movement, as does 20 and 21.  Uchi basically unleashes a violent application of Roku no jo twice in rapid succession.  There are clips on Youtube showing Morihiro Saito Sensei, Hitohiro Sensei, and Daniel Toutain Sensei showing this in the solo practice.  This is literally uchi just beaten mercilessly with a jo, with little opportunity of awase.  I have a theory about this, that will be the subject of my next writing.

22.    Uchi: Migi jodan uchikomi

Uke: Interrupts uchikomi with hidari gyakute tsuki


22.    Uke: Hidari gyakute tsuki

Uchi: Evade with Hidari jodan no kamae

23.    Uchi: Hidari gyakute tsuki

Uke: Hidari chudan gaeshi

24.    Uke: Hidari choku tsuki

Uchi: Hidari kaeshi barai

25.+26.    Uke: Hidari choku tsuki…migi gedan gaeshi no kamae

Uchi: Hidari chudan gaeshi

27.    Uchi: Hidari choku tsuki

Uke: Migi gedan gaeshi


27.    Uke: Migi gedan gaeshi

Uchi: Migi gedan gaeshi barai

28.+29.    Uke: Migi gyakute tsuki…jo is knocked away and allowed to flow to migi tsuki no kamae

Uchi: Parry gyakute tsuki with hasso gaeshi and move to migi hasso no kamae

30.    Uke: Migi choku tsuki

Uchi: Jodan uchikomi barai

31.    Uke: Migi (renzoku) jodan uchikomi

Notes:  In 28 and 29, we see another application of chudan gaeshi.  Instead of being a parry or strike, it is used to allow the jo to flow back to instant use after being knocked away.  Practing the 31 kumijo in these isolated parts is a wonderful exercise for both uke and uchi.


Summer Camp with Tomita Sensei for 2015 will be in Sofia from 26 July - 1 August. Location: Sofia, Bulgaria Duration: Sunday,...